Advanced Neonatal Courses

Join our international postgraduate medical courses in Gothenburg, featuring expert speakers and collaborative discussions.

Neonatal Hemodynamics and POCUS course

  • Neonatal and Pediatric Hemodynamics
  • Basic and advanced Cardiac POCUS and TnEcho/NPE
  • Vascular Access POCUS
  • Lung- ultrasound in Neonates

Gothenburg, Sweden


May 21- 23, 2025


  • Rapid Assessment in Critical Situations
    Learn to effectively use ultrasound to assess and respond to critical conditions in neonatal emergencies.

  • Evaluate PDA Hemodynamics
    Gain essential skills to determine the hemodynamic significance of PDAs, guiding more precise interventions.

  • Fluid or Inotrope Decisions Made Clear
    Develop confidence in using ultrasound to decide when a fluid bolus or inotropes are necessary.

  • Master Ultrasound-Guided PICC Line Insertion
    Acquire hands-on experience in placing PICC lines with ultrasound precision for enhanced patient safety.

  • Central Line Tip Localization
    Improve your accuracy in locating catheter tips in central lines, reducing complications.

  • Diagnose Respiratory Distress Causes
    Use ultrasound to differentiate between Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) and Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn

  • Rule Out Pneumothorax Quickly
    Become proficient in using ultrasound for fast, reliable pneumothorax detection.

This course is for you if you are interested in learning how to use the bedside ultrasound tool for:

...and many more practical questions relevant to your clinical work!

Our expert team

Learn from and get to know our international and Swedish experts in the Hemodynamics and POCUS field

Dr. Nadya Yousef

Neonatal intensive care, POCUS,
Lung ultrasound

Prof. Yogen Singh
Prof. Fiammetta Piersigili
Dr. Christian Bergek

Neonatal hemodynamic and TnEcho, POCUS

Neonatologist Vascular access, POCUS

Paediatric intensive care,
POCUS and vascular access

Paediatric intensive care,
POCUS and vascular access

Dr. Adrianne Rahde Bischoff

Neonatal intensive care, TnEcho, Hemodunamics

Neonatal hemodynamics and POCUS course

Conference organizer

Neonatal unit, Queen Silvias children´s hospital, Sahlgrenska university, Gothenburg, Sweden


Hands-on workshop

Depending on the number of applicants we might have to limit the amount of hands-on spots due to practical reasons. Otherwise we try to limit the number in each group to 6 persons. We try to organize 4-6 hours of hands-on workshops with ultrasound simulators, cases based small group discussions, ultrasound knobology, Echopac measurement workshop, some Pediatric and neonatal patients according to availability

Registration fees

The fees are stated in Swedish Krona/SEK excluding Swedish VAT.
Check the latest currency exchange rates

VAT/Moms on fees – important information!

All prices on the website are listed in SEK and are excluding 25% swedish VAT. There are various possible VAT exemptions for example for most Non EU members, EU members if you provide us a European VAT number of your institution, and Swedish hospitals. Please follow the respective registration link.

Low income countries are defined by the World banks website

Cancellation of registration/refunds

The registration is binding and we regret that no refunds can be made for cancellations after April 1, 2025. For cancellation that lead to credit card refunds we need to charge you the resulting Mastercard/Visa card fees. It is possible to transfer your registration after April 1 to another member of your organisation for an administrative cost of SEK 250.
Please inform us in writing to E-mail: as soon as possible to whom your registration should be transferred to.

We take no liability for delegates wishing to travel to Sweden and not receiving a visum. We recommend that you refer to respective governments’ website on travel restrictions. If costs are incurred, we do not refund any delegates’ travel, visa, or accommodation costs.

Method of payment

All payments should be made in Swedish Crowns (kr/SEK). All bank transfer charges in connection with transferring fees are to be paid by the delegate. No personal, company or Euro-cheques will be accepted.

Payment can be made by the following methods:
Credit card and for swedish particants only: credit card or billing
Please note that all credit card payments are made through secure and encrypted online payment gateway.

Invoice should be paid within 30 days and must be paid no later than a 14 days before the start of the conference.

Our privacy statement

We are committed to protecting your privacy. The information we ask for in the registration is the information we need to properly arrange the meeting, logistics, login, payments etc. We will provide relevant information with our partners (platform and industry) with the same purpose. Neither we nor our partners will share any information with third parties. We may keep your name and email address for future events, but you are always free to reject any invitations. We can not register your information without your approval. By confirming our cancellation policy and then clicking the “I accept the user agreement” button in our registration form, you agree that we use your information for the above purposes.
Our conference organizer and the OC are jointly responsible for the processing of your personal data.